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About HFS-Global.

HFS-Global LLC is a for-profit company formed in 2017 under an agreement with the University of Virginia Licensing and Ventures Group for the distribution and licensing of the HFS-II questionnaire and other surveys developed by Dr. Linda Gonder-Frederick and Dr. Daniel Cox of the University of Virginia. Part of the profits generated by HFS-II licenses are used in the ongoing effort of education and research on the problem of hypoglycemia in diabetes.

In addition to overseeing the distribution and licensing of the HFS-II, HFS Global LLC provides the following services:

✔ Working with translation teams on the process of linguistic validation for the survey.

✔ Providing consultation for licensees on the use and interpretation of the HFS-II.

✔ Supporting students and colleagues using the HFS-II in their research and clinical settings.

✔ Presentations to educate health care professionals and scientific groups about the FoH and its impact.